Collection of Big Model Daily on October 24

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Collection of Big Model Daily on October 24

[Collection of Big Model Daily on October 24] Just now, Databricks announced the acquisition of Arcion for US$100 million! The latter will be integrated into the MosaicML platform to improve customers’ experience in obtaining and using native data; iFlytek Chairman Liu Qingfeng: “iFlytek Spark” 3.0 has fully aligned with GPT3.5; the Samsung Galaxy S24 series will fully invest in artificial intelligence. Aiming to become the smartest AI phone

Just now, Databricks announced the acquisition of Arcion for US$100 million! The latter will be integrated into the MosaicML platform to improve customers’ experience in obtaining and using native data.



On Monday night, Databricks CEO and founder Ali Ghodsi officially announced the acquisition of enterprise data company Arcion for $100 million on CNBC. Ghodsi said that Databricks’ main product is an AI-based data analysis tool, but when customers sign up, the Databricks platform has no data. Ready for analysis, once Databricks integrates Arcion’s technology, it will be easier for customers to add data from software systems such as Salesforce. Arcion was founded in 2016 by former Oracle employee Rajkumar Sen and former entrepreneurial consultant Miryana Joksovic; in February last year, Databricks also invested in Arcion’s $13 million Series A round of financing. The latest valuation before Databricks announced the acquisition was $65 million. This acquisition represents a premium of 54%. For investors who invested in Arcion in the seed round, they achieved an 8-fold return in just three years.

Collection of Big Model Daily on October 24

iFlytek Chairman Liu Qingfeng: “iFlytek Spark” 3.0 has fully benchmarked GPT3.5



At the 6th World Acoustic Expo and the 2023 iFlytek Global 1024 Developer Festival held on October 24, iFlytek Chairman Liu Qingfeng officially launched the iFlytek Spark Cognitive Big Model V3.0 version (hereinafter referred to as “Xinghuo Big Model”). Model 3.0″). According to reports, the Spark Model 3.0 released this time continues to improve in seven major abilities, including text generation, language understanding, knowledge answering, logical reasoning, and mathematical ability. Liu Qingfeng said that the Spark Big Model 3.0 general model will fully benchmark against ChatGPT released by the American company OpenAI in November last year. Its Chinese ability has surpassed ChatGPT, and its English ability is equivalent to it.

Collection of Big Model Daily on October 24

Samsung Galaxy S24 series will be fully invested in artificial intelligence, aiming to become the smartest AI phone



According to news on October 24, Sammobile reported that its sources said that Samsung plans to fully invest in artificial intelligence technology on its next-generation flagship mobile phone Galaxy S24 series. Samsung wants the Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24+ and Galaxy S24 Ultra to be the smartest AI phones ever, surpassing even what Google offers on the Pixel series.

Collection of Big Model Daily on October 24

SK Telecom and Deutsche Telekom will jointly develop a large language model dedicated to the telecommunications industry



SK Telecom (SKT) and Deutsche Telekom announced that they have signed a letter of intent (LOI) to jointly develop a telecom-specific LLM to enable global telecom companies to easily and quickly develop generative artificial intelligence models. This marks the first time that discussions on the “Global Telecom Artificial Intelligence Alliance” established by SKT, Deutsche Telekom, E&S, and Singtel in July 2023 have achieved results, laying the foundation for entering the global market.

Collection of Big Model Daily on October 24

Snapdragon 8 Gen3 exposed: AI performance has increased significantly



Qualcomm is about to release its latest flagship chip, Snapdragon 8 Gen3, at the Snapdragon Summit. Although mobile phones equipped with this processor, such as Xiaomi 14, have exposed their running scores, their complete performance specifications are still unclear. Recently, internal documents from the website mspoweruser revealed that Snapdragon 8 Gen3 will bring generative artificial intelligence capabilities to mobile devices. It is reported that Snapdragon 8 Gen3 will be the first chip designed specifically for mobile and has the most powerful performance and wide range of applications on the market. In addition, Snapdragon 8 Gen3 will also support at least iPhone 15-level ray tracing capabilities and be equipped with Unreal Engine 5’s ray tracing capabilities and global illumination capabilities. This means that game cutscenes will be upgraded to 8K quality.

Collection of Big Model Daily on October 24 receives US$100 million investment from Saudi Arabia, Middle East capital “sweeps up goods” for smart travel



Recently, Chinese autonomous driving company received US$100 million in financing from an investment fund affiliated with New Future City in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In addition, the two parties will establish a joint venture in Saudi Arabia’s New Future City, where’s Robotaxi fleet, autonomous driving manufacturing and R&D centers will be located. After this D2 round of financing,’s pre-money valuation remains unchanged at US$8.5 billion. This is the latest progress of since it completed the first round of Series D financing in March 2022.

When Traditional Chinese Medicine Meets Artificial Intelligence: The tongue diagnosis accuracy rate of the newly developed AI intelligent system by scientific researchers is as high as 94%



Tongue diagnosis, as one of the traditional diagnostic methods with traditional Chinese medicine characteristics, can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty, about 3,000 years ago. The theoretical basis of tongue diagnosis includes yin-yang, five elements, viscera, meridians and other traditional Chinese medicine theories. By observing tongue texture, tongue coating, tongue sensation, etc., we can understand the physiological functions and pathological changes of the human body. Recently, researchers from the University of South Australia (UniSA) and the Baghdad Medium Technical University (MTU) jointly published a paper at AIP (American Institute of Physics, American Physical Society) stating that they developed an AI intelligent system that used a web camera to capture Tongue images of 50 patients with diabetes, renal failure, and anemia were analyzed using image processing techniques. Experimental results show that the AI intelligent system can diagnose the above three diseases through tongue images with an accuracy of up to 94%, and can send information to patients or medical service providers explaining the color of the tongue and the diagnosis of the disease.

Collection of Big Model Daily on October 24
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